The Weekly Wrap – 14th of the May

The Weekly Wrap – 14th of the May

Wow, what a week of news. There was so much coming out of the gaming world that we struggled to keep up. Codemaster’s new racer ONRUSH is getting a beta, Rhianna Pratchett is headling PAX AUS, Square Enix is having an E3 conference and perhaps the biggest news was the now infamous Wallmart leak of upcoming titles. The P2 team did their best to keep up with all of the goodies. We also had a review of Destiny’s latest expansion Warmind, a look at some of the best games to play when you are sick and a whole bunch of great videos to keep you entertained.

So grab yourself a cuppa and sit down with the P2 crew for a week’s worth of gaming goodies.

P2 Plays - Casey Powell Lacrosse 18
Player 2 Plays - Casey Powell Lacrosse 18
Stardew Valley Multiplayer
Stardew Valley Multiplayer is here
Patched 34 - Designing Super Smash Bros
Patched #34 - Designing Super Smash Bros Switch
The Best in Sick Day Gaming
The Best in Sick Day Gaming
P2 Plays - Mechwarrior Online Pt 4
Player 2 Plays - Mechwarrior Online: Part 4
News Bites - 9th of May
P2 Plays - City of Brass
city of brass
ONRUSH Crashing into Open Beta
ONRUSH is Crashing into Open Beta
Insider 44 - Remedy's P7
The Insider #44 - Remedy's P7 Incoming
Destiny 2: Warmind - A Familiar Problem
P2 Plays - A Journey to New Vegas Pt1
Player 2 Plays - A Journey to New Vegas: Part 1
Plugging the Leak - The Wallmart E3 news
Plugging A Leak - The Walmart Pre - E3 2018 News
P2 Plays - Battletech
Player 2 Plays - Battletech



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