The Weekly Wrap – 15th of October 2018

The Weekly Wrap – 15th of October 2018

With PAX AUS just around the corner and the entire P2 team gearing up to take on Australia’s biggest gaming show you would think that there would be no time for other game coverage. Well, luckily that isn’t the case with another great week of content having been and gone over at Player 2. Matt educated himself on a classic anime with Dragon Ball FighterZ on the Switch, Chris found hope and wonder in Wundersong and Paul looked at the dire state of development resources in Australia. All of this was joined by some great video content from the team.

So catch up on everything and get ready for another great week of Player 2 content. Keep an eye out for our PAX coverage which starts this week.

P2 Plays - Mutant Football League
Patched - The Playstation Classic
Patched #51 - The Playstation Classic
Dragon Ball FighterZ - Switch
Dragon Ball FighterZ - Switching it up
P2 Plays Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Player 2 Plays - Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
P2 Plays - Battle Chasers: Nightwar
battle chasers
Game Workers Unite
Wandersong - A Song of Wonder and Hope
The Insider - Obsidian to Join Xbox
The Insider #80 - Obsidian To Join Xbox
The Warpath 8 - Stomping Silitha
The War Path - Darksiders Playthrough #1 - War Unleashed
P2 Plays - Battlefield Bad Company 2

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