The Player 2 PixelCast 010

The Player 2 PixelCast 010

Can you hear that? That, my friends, is the hype train a-coming and you’d best get out of its way before it runs you over. It is almost E3 time and that means an E3 podcast. Hosted by Ken Lee, this episode sees him lead Matt, Paul and Shaun (on his PixelCast debut) through the tough times E3 is having of late. Is it still relevant, is there a need, will there be drunk celebrities?

Of course, this wouldn’t be much of a video game podcast if we didn’t talk about video games, the team does a bit of that too.

The Player 2 PixelCast 010


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The Player 2 PixelCast 010

Games: Dragon Age Inquisition, BoxVR, Dauntless, Days Gone

Theme Music: Visitors from Dreams (by Mathieu Stempell Dma-Sc)

Break Music: Wail by The Strangerhood

The Player 2 PixelCast 010

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