The Weekly Wrap – 23rd of October 2017

The Weekly Wrap – 23rd of October 2017

It is PAX week people! Get your walking shoes on, your cosplay ready and your camera’s charged because the wonderful expo that is PAX AUS is about to hit. As a result Player 2 is getting into battle mode, ready to bring you all the choice cuts from Australia’s premier gaming expo. In fact, we have already started. Stephen has organised interviews with all of the PAX Aussie Indie Showcase winners with two of those interviews already live.

We also had a review of Golf Story from Dylan, an exclusive behind the scenes look at how Xbox controllers are designed by Royce and Adam dove into Serious Sam VR to blast some of Mental’s minions. Of course this was all joined by Player 2’s usual dose of news and videos so there is no shortage of gaming goodies for your reading and viewing pleasure. Catch up on everything below and stay tuned for a big PAX focused week from the team at Player 2.

Serious Sam VR - The Last Hope
Patched 20 - Video Game Movies
PS Diving Further into Virtual Worlds
The Unseen Hands Guiding your Controller
Golf Story - Review
The Insider - RIP Visceral Games
Wargaming brings servers downunder
PAX 2017 - Forts
P2 Plays - Dead Space 3
PAX 2017 - Grabity
Grabity Logo

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