JRPG July 2017 – The Hub
For readers who would like to know more about JPRGs, follow @apricotsushi’s JRPG Community Game-Along at Chic-Pixel or follow #JRPGJuly on Twitter!
Behind every good role playing game is a residual memory of teamwork, self-discovery, and the apparent necessity to earn currency and experience through a fantastical world economy. Japanese RPGs seem to be the genre that resonates the most with these tasks. Yes, they may ask teenagers to save the environment or manage a hostess bar, but they always manage to do so by assembling a team of characters with a range of different skills that somehow complement each other in the face of many, MANY, random encounters and NPCs.
This July, Player2 would like to celebrate the weird and wonderful that resides in Japanese role-playing games by partaking in JRPG July, a wonderful initiative started by blogger and community builder Anne Lee (you can find out about it here:) We will be posting a collection of reflections, discussions, and recommendations from the genre. We assembled our own party of four writers, ranging from the newly-interested to the disillusioned veteran, and together take on the vast back catalogue and select key titles that are not only worth every penny but that have improved their understanding of the Japanese RPG genus.
A lot of content is on the way over the coming weeks so be sure to revisit the JRPG July hub daily to learn much more about a genre that we hold so dear.