The Schedule – The 2018 Player 2 Charity Marathon

The Schedule – The 2018 Player 2 Charity Marathon

With 5 days to go, it is now time to let the cat out of the bag regarding the game schedule for the night. This year we are doing something a little different, which will hopefully make the night run a bit smoother.

The Schedule - The 2018 Player 2 Charity Marathon
As is the tradition here at P2, NBA Jam gets two slots, including the final hour.

The entire P2 Charity Marathon will be run on an Xbox One X. This is our way of saying thanks to Xbox Australia for their super-generous donation of over 30 games and five special edition controllers. It also means with only one system running, we are much less likely to have tech issues which result in our Editor losing his mind and swearing in front of the kids and while that is entertaining in its own right, it is probably not the message we want to send.

The Schedule - The 2018 Player 2 Charity Marathon
A little spot of DOOM at midnight seems appropriate, don’t you think?

So here is the list of games we will be playing during the big event:

The Schedule - The 2018 Player 2 Charity Marathon
Will Overcooked 2 be enough to break the team in the early hours of the morning?

So tune in to our Twitch channel on the 15th of September at 10 am to join in the good times and don’t forget to donate!

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