The 2019 Player 2 Highlights – Editor’s Choice

The 2019 Player 2 Highlights – Editor’s Choice

Well, another year has come and gone and so I have the chance to highlight my amazing team of writers and content creators once again. I have said it before but I would take this team over any others, their passion, skill, beauty and creativity are second to none in Australian gaming. It has been my honour and privilege to be their editor once again and I look forward to more wonderful words from them in 2020.

Paul James - Dev Diary

I cannot overstate how much work Paul puts into making P2 a success. He has a work ethic like no other man I have ever met. This is truly evident in his work getting Dev Diary to where it is today. For me, this was my favourite episode of 2019.

Dev Diary Davide Soliani Mario + Rabbids
Stephen del Prado - PAX Man

Stephen is my other vital cog in the machine that is P2. He is constantly providing guidance and a lot of behind the scenes work that goes unseen. His efforts in organising our highly successful PAX Showcase features exemplify this.

Death Hall Featured
Jenn Christodoulou - Monkey Baller

Jenn brings her own brand of warped humour to everything she writes. From glowing reviews to heavy-handed smackdowns, Jenn always brings the yuks, especially in this Monkey Ball review.

Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz HD - A Rolling Ball of Frustration
Dylan Burns - Not Your Ordinary Reviewer

Dylan continued to put his years of games writing experience to good use for Player 2 with quality review after quality review. This is my particular favourite.

Chris Button - Unique Views in Outer Space

Chris continues to amaze me with the quality content he sends my way. Asking unasked questions, looking at unseen angles and diving into unheard stories, Chris has a knack of putting a new spin on an old topic. Take his look at capitalism in the Outer Worlds for example.

Journey to the Outer Worlds - Down With Spacer's Choice
Hope Corrigan - Beautifully Crazy

Hope is another example of why I feel P2 is important. A highly successful writer, Hope sends me her most majestic pieces because they don't always fit in at the big outlets she usually writes for and that is more than ok with me.

Death Stranding - Connections: Part 2
Sarah Ellen - Children of Time Disappearances.

Sarah sadly was kept from us for a lot of the year with a young family, but when she did jump in it was wonderful. Her review of Children of Morta is proof that she hasn't lost her touch.

Children of Morta - Polished Indie Dungeon Crawling
Adam Rorke - Enthusiasm Plus

Adam is often referred to as the most enthusiastic man in Aussie gaming and that isn't far wrong. He brings joy, wonder and a sense of knowledge to every piece he writes. We did manage to find one game to upset him though...

Bubble Bobble 4 Friends - Time to Pop Off
Shaun Nichols - P2's Most Improved

Shaun joined us last year as a bit of a rookie, but now is one of the most professional writers I have. His writing quality is wonderful and he takes on new assignments with eagerness. His improvement is immediately evident in his review of Ghost Recon: Breakpoint.

Nick Hudson - High Quality Zombie

Nick had a quieter year this year but what he submitted was just as good as ever. His World War Z review captured what the game had to offer with style.

World War Z - Braindead Fun
Nick Getley - An Old Hand New to P2

Nick is a veteran games writer who joined P2 this year and has been an immediate asset. His first review for us was clear evidence of his talents.

Fantasy Strike - The Simplicity of Depth
James Swinbanks - Bloodstained Professional

James is one of Australia's best games writers, hands down. I am always amazed he puts up with me and continues to contribute to P2. Check out his Bloodstained review to just see how good games writing can be.

Joel Guttenburg - An Old God Favourite

Joel is one of the original P2ers and still pops in to say hi every now and then. He doesn't miss a step either with his work as evidenced by he most recent review.

Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones - RPGing with Cthulhu
Tim Henderson - The PixelCast Master

Tim is our resident Podcast master, Shenmue fan boy and occasional writer. Two of those things were combined in his latest fantastic piece.

Ken Lee - Mech Master, Occasional Writer

Ken usually only treats us with his dulcet tones in video and audio format but this year we were lucky enough to entice him into writing a review and it is a beauty.

Age of Wonders: Planetfall - A Long-term Investment
Matt Phillips - The P2 Doom Slayer

Matto has the best voice to appear in a Youtube video since Ozzy Man. His hilarious playthroughs and late game reviews are a crack up.

The P2 Doom Slayer - Episode 1
Laura Lockwood - A Creative New Addition

Laura joined P2 this year with a couple of fantastic pieces and the odd appearance on the PixelCast. She brought a wonderful sense of joy to her work that I hope to see more of in 2020.

Observation - Sleuthing Through Space
Jamie Dalzell - Wandering Kiwi

I finally convinced Jams to come back and write for me and my persistence paid off with a couple of wonderful pieces. Don't worry, I will be nagging him more in 2020.

The Witcher 3: Complete Edition - Handheld Mode Impressions
Lauren Harradine - The Only P2 Writer Who is not a Chicken

Lauren joined P2 for a couple of articles this year and immediately put everyone to shame by not being too scared to review Five Nights at Freddy's VR.

Five Nights at Freddy’s VR: Help Wanted Review – A Celebration of Jump Scares
Joab Gilroy - Popped by to Offend Kojima

Joaby joined us for one review and boy was it a doozy. 3000+ words on Kojima's latest game makes it easily the longest piece we have ever published. Every word is worth reading though, even if you disagree with his thoughts.

As for Player 2 itself, another successful year was had. Nominated for best gaming coverage at the Lizzies (which put us against behemoths like IGN, Gamespot and Press Start) showed us all that we are on the right track. We once again had a successful Player 2 Charity marathon with over $4000 raised, which will be going towards purchasing gaming systems for country hospitals. We also published 651 articles and had over 80000 unique hits over the 12 months, easily our most productive year ever.

So as we move into 2020 I just want to say thank you to all of my wonderful writers, thank you to all the PR and Game reps that have helped us along the way and most of all thank you to…you. The readers make this worth doing so if this is your first time to P2 or your 400th, thank you.

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